2000 Failed to extract file '%s' from the binary table. 2001 Return value '%s' is not a MSI property. 2002 Unrecognizable data type '%s'. 2003 File '%s' can not be found. Make sure the file is on target system or installed already. 2004 Can not find the entry point of function '%s', make sure it is exported. 2005 The DLL call '%s' caused a corrupted stack, make sure you have correct number of parameters and the function uses standard calling convention. 2006 Failed to retrieve value of the property '%s' from the MSI package. 2007 Failed to set the value of property '%s'. 2008 Unknown source '%s'. 2009 Unrecogonizable token '%s' in DLL_.ini file. 2010 Argument '%s' has an "out" direction, but it is not a property. 2011 The DLL being called encountered a problem. %s 2012 File key '%s' is invalid. 2013 Can not find the location of the file under file key '%s', make sure the file is installed already. 2014 InstallShield DLL Custom Action